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Safe, Supportive Environment

Students learn best when they feel free to be themselves, to explore, and to take risks.

Guided by the Seven Hills Values, our teachers create a culture where students can feel safe being themselves.

Surrounded by caring, supportive classmates and by teachers who know and love them, our students take risks, express themselves freely and openly, and begin to discover who they really are. To a remarkable extent, students at Seven Hills truly care for one another, include, and support one another. Seven Hills is a place where it’s cool to be smart and OK to be different. To reinforce our values, the school offers a comprehensive curriculum in social and emotional learning, helping students learn to develop close relationships and make responsible decisions. 

And, when on rare occasions students fail to be their best selves, their teachers and the school’s counseling and discipline systems reinforce our values and help them learn from their mistakes.

Lower School: What is Social and Emotional Learning?


Seven Hills Videos

Our Seven Values

We educate according to these ideals. Students are taught to do their best in everything and for everyone. They learn to take part in a community that is both inspiring to them and inspired by them. They learn more than how to be a good student; they learn to be a good person.

  1. Pursuit of Excellence
  2. Kindness, Caring, and Compassion
  3. Respect for Others and Appreciation of Diversity
  4. Honesty and Integrity
  5. Fairness and Justice
  6. Commitment to Community
  7. Personal Responsibility and Accountability


To help students grow, not only as students, but as people, we offer our comprehensive signature program in social and emotional learning.

In Lower School guidance classes, and Middle and Upper School advisory groups, teachers help students develop critical interpersonal skills such as self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making.

This formal instruction is supplemented by the teachable moments our teachers find each day; opportunities to help students learn to develop close, supportive friendships, set goals, and recover from setbacks.


Our School Counseling programs

Social and emotional learning is integral to the Seven Hills experience. Our four divisions—both our Doherty and Lotspeich Lower Schools, Middle School, and Upper School—offer guidance and school counseling built on the foundational elements of self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision making.