Student Life
At Seven Hills, you are celebrated for your unique strengths, passions, and abilities. You’ll become a member of a close-knit, friendly community with exciting activities and traditions steeped in history. You’ll excel in the classroom, hone your skills on the field, discover new passions in clubs, and make lifelong friends. And you’ll do all of this with dedicated teachers to guide you through every chapter of your time as a Stinger.
Day in the Life of a Seven Hills Student
Clubs and Activities
Seven Hills students express their individuality and focus on their passions by participating in wide variety of clubs and activities. Clubs are student-organized and born out of their own interests, fueled by their high-powered energy and enthusiasm, so there is always something new and exciting to discover.
At Seven Hills, traditions play a significant role in fostering a sense of belonging, school spirit, and unity within the Seven Hills community. Whether it is a visiting author, a trip into the mountains, an intensive study, or fireworks display, Seven Hills traditions define what is it so be a member of the Seven Hills community.